Frequently Asked Questions

Ace Arctus Handset and Meta Quest 2

Popular Questions

  • The Meta Quest 3S headset works with Ace! It retails for $299, uses the same Quest 3 controllers, and is compatible with the Ace Quest 3 rear hooks. Read our blog here if you want to learn more.

  • Ace works on the Meta Quest 2, Meta Quest 3, and Meta Quest 3S headsets only at this time. The Meta Quest Pro is not supported.

  • We sell custom holsters for the Arctus, Staccato P and SIG P365X Macro Ace Handsets.

    Please check availability at our checkout!

  • Yes, our innovative Ace VR handset is patent pending. We also have PCT protection.

    US Patents: US20240139618A1, US20240139619A1, US20240139620A1

    PCT International Publication Number: WO 2024/092200 A1

  • We offer international shipping to select countries. You can find that list of countries here.

  • They can be purchased on the Meta website or at Best Buy, Walmart, Amazon or other electronic retailers.

    Meta Quest 2 - Meta Quest 3 - Meta Quest 3S

    Meta has discontinued production for the Quest 2 but will retain ongoing support until 2027.

  • The trigger is set to go off at a specific pressure, however, every handset and Meta Quest controller is slightly different. This can be solved by adjusting the pressure setting at which the VR gun fires. 

    To adjust the trigger setting in the Ace App. Select the Gear Icon in the top right corner of the TV screen in the Hut. Notice the Trigger Value. Record the highest value the trigger will go to before the trigger breaks/clicks when you pull it (the virtual gun may shoot before this happens). Then increase the trigger setting to a number just higher than that value (usually +0.02). For example: If the trigger value gets to 0.11 before it breaks, update the trigger value to 0.13. Change these values anytime as needed.

    Here is a video that explains this as well!

  • That is a simple fix, please go to the settings menu in the Ace app on your VR Quest system. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the TV screen in the main hut. Choose the appropriate handset orientation (likely Ace Handset V2).

  • Ace can be used offline. Internet access is required to download Ace, as well as to download app updates. Online features will be paused while you are offline. Accounts must login while online before you can use offline mode.

  • The Meta Quest 2 and Meta Quest 3 can be purchased at: Amazon, Meta, Best Buy, Walmart, or other major electronic retailers.

  • When you create an Ace Account, you will be emailed a one time login PIN.

    The Ace VR App requires a PIN to login. You can find your PIN by logging into your Ace account at Then enter your pin into your headset, or click "create new pin" and enter this pin on your headset. After this you should be all set! If you cannot login to your Ace account on our website please click on "forgot my password."

  • The Ace handset comes with hooks for both the Meta Quest 2 and the Meta Quest 3/3S and is quickly swappable with an included 2mm hex key. It will be shipped with the hook that you ordered pre-installed.

    You can watch this video for more information.

  • Ace was designed from the ground up to work with both handedness and eye dominance without changing any settings. Simply use whatever hand or eye you want.

    The magazine release button on the handset is not reversible so left handed shooters are advised to use their index finger to drop the magazine.

Ace Club Membership

  • Ace Club Members receive full access to all Ace VR App features and content. Cancel anytime. Upon cancellation full access will continue for the duration of the paid membership after which point VR App access with be limited to a basic feature set.

    Ace is a live service product with new stages and features released regularly. Ace members can track their performance history, unlock new VR guns/optics, play live with other members, and compete in challenges.

    Pricing and more information can be found at

  • Visit our tutorial page here to see videos walking you through the setup process of our hardware and software. Additionally, you can email with any questions.

  • Ace is a consumer product geared toward anyone interested in unlocking a realistic shooting experience freed from physical constraints. Ace aims to deliver a fun, challenging, and rewarding experience to users of all skill levels. Current players include competitive shooters, casual hobbyists, professionals (LE/Military), new gun owners, and people who have never shot a real gun before but are interested in the shooting experience.

  • Yes. We are offering Ace Club Memberships to the public.

  • The Ace VR App is available here to download on the Meta Quest App Lab. Please note that access to the Ace VR App requires an active Ace Club Membership subscription. Memberships can be purchased here.

  • Yes! More information on the MIL, LEO, & First Responder Discount Program can be found here.

  • We do not have a trial version available.

  • We currently do not have a means to create separate player profiles that separate player performance data under the same Ace account, but we are looking into options for this in the future.

  • The Ace VR App requires a PIN to login. You can find your PIN by logging into to your Ace account at Then enter your pin into your headset, or click "create new pin" and enter this pin on your headset. After this you should be all set!

    If you cannot login to your Ace account on our website please click on "forgot my password."

  • All members who cancel their membership with retain access to Ace Limited when their membership period ends. Ace Limited will include a basic range with various targets to be used for dry fire type skills applications and possibly other limited features.

Other Questions

  • Yes, we recommend the BOBOVR M3/M2 Pro. It is an upgraded head strap that provides a more comfortable experience and provides swappable battery packs that can extend Ace play time easily.

    BOBO for Meta Quest 3

    BOBO for Meta Quest 2

  • No. Our experience is 100% virtual and does not involve any real guns or bullets.

  • No. We are a gaming company that provides an application and associated handset tailored to work with the Meta Quest 2 or 3 controller hardware only.

  • The Ace VR App is designed specifically for use with the Ace Handset to provide a realistic and immersive shooting experience.

  • The Meta Quest 2 headset has been on the market for several years. The Meta Quest 3 headset was released in October, 2023. Among other things, the Quest 3 offers a higher quality resolution creating a sharper picture. The Quest 3 also has a color “pass through” capability. This feature enables the development of higher quality mixed reality features in the user’s real environment. Ace is developing mixed reality experiences that will be compatible with the Meta Quest 3 headset.

  • The Ace VR app takes only about ~1GB of space. So most users will be satisfied with the 128 GB version. If you expect to download a lot more VR games and content you may want to consider the 512 GB version.

  • Ace is always interested in exploring partnership opportunities with individuals, organizations and brands who align with our vision and values. Please contact us if interested in discussing further at

  • Right now we are direct to consumer e-commerce without any third party distribution partnerships

  • Orders typically ship out within 2-5 business days. Domestic shipping is often 3 day delivery or less. International shipping varies and may be as long as 8-15 days, however, handsets are shipped as soon as product is available.

    Tracking numbers are emailed shortly after being packaged.

  • Directions to update Ace:

    1. Connect to stable internet

    2. Go to your "App Library" in your Quest main menu

    3. Hover over the "Ace" app

    4. Hover over the 3 dots in the top right corner of the Ace app

    5. Click "Update" if you see it. Otherwise click "See Details"

    6. If the blue button says "Update" then select it. If it shows "Start" then wait 30 seconds.

    7. If the "Start" button does not switch to "Update" after 30 seconds then Ace is likely already updated for you. You can restart your Quest and repeat steps 2-6 to verify this.

    If you are a founding member please make sure you are on the "Ace" app and not the "AceXR" app. You can download the new app by searching for "Ace" in the VR app store.

  • The Ace handset comes with hooks for both the Meta Quest 2 and the Meta Quest 3 and is quickly swappable with an included 2mm hex key. It will be shipped with the hook that you ordered pre-installed.

  • Memberships options are currently available at

    The Meta Quest 2 or Quest 3 is not included and is sold separately.